
SelectaDNA is now available in Northern & Southern Ireland through North West Locks.

· DIY kits will mark 50 items.

· Commercial Kits will mark 100 items.

SelectaDNA has microdots contained in the glue like liquid.

Markings are invisible but under UV light, Police can quickly identify the ownership of the goods on a 24/7 basis 365 days a year as it is linked to the central database.

Owners can log online and adjust their owners record if an item is stolen / recovered or for instance simply sold on.

When markings are seen under UV light and enlarged, the actual SelectDNA reference can be seen

. The DNA kit number is visible which can also lead Police to the details of when and where the goods were stolen. This can very easily link the person in possession of the goods to the crime or crime scene.

SELECTADNA is also available in GREASE form ( for outdoor use ) and GEL form ( for indoor use ). SelectaDNA Grease has been specially designed to protect outdoor materials such as lead roofing and copper piping, which are particularly vulnerable to theft.

If a thief handles marked goods, SelectaDNA Grease instantly transfers onto their hands and clothing. The Police can then scan suspects with UV detection equipment to locate traces of the substance.

The grey Grease is almost impossible to remove and the unique DNA code irrefutably links the perpetrator to the crime scene.

100g of the Grease will mark approximately 25 linear metres using the 3cm wide paintbrush supplied in the kits. This coverage is based on normal operating temperatures of 18-22c. It is not recommended that the product is applied to frozen surfaces or during very cold temperatures.

To Register your items, click on to:

You then key in your Kit Code and Kit Pin. Then simply record your personal details and after that you have the option to record each item individually or record multiple items on to Excel.

The file will need to be in the following format:

Item, Item Category, Value, Currency, Description, Make, Model, Serial No., Colour, Size, Age, Weight, Distinguishing Marks

Each field needs to be separated by a comma and each item needs to be on a new line. You can find the available ‘Item Categories’ by clicking ‘Register Property’ and viewing the dropdown list.

There are two simple ways to create the file